Науковий вісник Національної академії внутрішніх справ (May 2024)

The latest experience of statutory regulation of lobbying in Europe

  • O. Kostiushko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 29, no. 2
pp. 44 – 56


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In the 21st century, the number of countries that have developed special regulations in the field of lobbying has almost doubled, which shows that modern elites are interested in regulating lobbying. The purpose of this study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the legal framework regulating lobbying activities in several European countries, namely the UK, Germany, and France. Apart from the general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, and generalisation, the study employed the method of comparative legal analysis and the method of institutional analysis. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this study highlighted recent research that has contributed to the development of the theoretical framework for the regulation of lobbying. The study provided a critical analysis of various legislative approaches adopted by European countries, assessing their effectiveness in promoting transparency, accountability, and ethical lobbying practices. The study compared the legislative frameworks and outlined the current challenges and opportunities inherent in regulating lobbying. The comparative analysis identified common and distinctive features in each country’s approach to lobbying regulation. The UK model focuses on voluntary registration and self-regulation, while Germany’s approach reflects a more informal practice with minimal legal requirements. In contrast, France has taken stricter measures, focusing on mandatory registration and public disclosure of lobbying activities. The study summarised the best practices that can be used in the development of lobbying legislation. This study is a contribution to the debate on the role of lobbying in democratic societies. The conclusions offer recommendations that should be followed when preparing new drafts of lobbying regulations or when reforming the current legislation in the relevant area. This study is also of practical significance for European politicians, lobbyists, and civil society specifically. Based on the considered approaches of the UK, Germany, and France, states can identify best practices and adapt them to their unique political, social, and legal contexts
