Ovidius University Annals: Economic Sciences Series (Jan 2017)
Medical Services - A Significant Component of the Economic Activity
Medical services and their quality represent an important aspect for each individual, for the whole society, and the health of the population is a motor of the economy in the productive sphere. The main conditions that a high-quality health system must meet are: general coverage, response to needs, equity,efficiency,state responsibility towards public health. The present study is a comparison of marketing health services in Romania and worldwide. The current consumer of health services is more educated and more concerned with health needs than in the past. The marketing of these services has begun to be viewed from a new perspective, more aggressive and more marketing-oriented and business oriented. The most important methods of promoting medical services refer to advertising in mass media, the Internet, social networks, professional advertising vs. institutional advertising. Private healthcare services are very well promoted in comparison with the health services in the public health system.