Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi (Apr 2022)
Joint Restriction Caused by Traconia Fish Poison: A Case Report
Traconia fish is a member of the Trichinidea family, all members are poisonous. In the literature, edema develops in the affected area after trachonia fish bite, followed by a wide spectrum of cases ranging from subcutaneous inflammation to myonecrosis. In this case report, we present a patient who was injured with the back spines of traconia fish and had limited edema and range of motion. The absence of pain in the joint restriction that developed over time and the normal bilateral hand radiography exclude us from the diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. The patient was treated with self-adherent wrap to reduce swelling in addition to soft tissue mobilization, range of motion exercises, and a contracture splint that forced metacarpophalangeal joints into flexion to increase joint mobility. We applied 15 sessions of treatment to the patient. On the post-rehabilitation examination, we found that the edema in the dorsum of the left hand decreased. We measured the range of motion of the patient as normal.