Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies (May 2023)
Imperativele Predaniei în câteva reprezentări iconografice ale Sfântului evanghelist Ioan cu ucenicul său, Prohor
The Judeo-Christian culture is par excellence a logocentric culture, derived from the Word of the Creator and from the founding narrative, which, being fundamental elements for shaping this culture, is however transmitted in writing. From the Tablets of the Law, where the Decalogue is written by the finger of God himself, to the Pentateuch dictated to Moses (the Torah), or the Gospels instilled into the four apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, an entire sacred history unfolds under the sign of revelation and, implicitly, of the imperative to transmit the revealed truths, i.e. the “predanie”. Starting from this observation, our study aims to focus on, and analyse, some of the symbols that are recurrently exploited to suggest the idea of revelation received and transmitted instantaneously, starting from the representation of St. John the Evangelist dictating the Gospel (or The Book of the Revelation or the Apocalypse) to his disciple Prochorus.