Health SA Gesondheid: Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences (Oct 2000)
Samewerking tussen verpleegkundiges en versorgers tydens tuisstimulasie van die verstandelik vertraagde kind
From statistics on the occurrence of mental handicaps in South Africa and the availability of institutional facilities for mentally handicapped children it appears as if there are insufficient institutional facilities for children under six years of age. Opsomming Volgens statistiek aangaande die voorkoms van verstandelike vertraging in Suid Africa, asook beskikbaarheid van inrigtingsfasiliteite vir verstandelik vertraagde kinders, wil dit voorkom of daar onvoldoende inrigtingsfasiliteite vir veral kinders onder sesjarige ouderdom is. *Please note: This is a reduced version of the abstract. Please refer to PDF for full text.