Comunicação e Sociedade (Oct 2011)

Discourse and manipulation – the miscegenation of genres in written press

  • Alexandra Guedes Pinto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19
pp. 247 – 260


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This paper focuses on the appearance of certain instances of “intermediategenres” in written press derived from the miscegenation of press editorials and advertisements.It analyses the case of a specific advertisement and health editorial printed inVIP – a Portuguese social magazine – in April 2010. It appeals to a theoretical frameworkfrom Discourse Analysis in order to prove the miscegenation of genres betweenthe two chosen texts. Four aspects are developed: the context and co-text of the analyzeddiscourses; the genres involved; the language and paralanguage used; the pragmaticvalues activated – locutionary, illocutionary, perlocutionary.The study aims at proving that different genres combinations formed from advertisementsand other types of discourse, especially in media discourses, are a sign of thecolonization that advertising carries on other discourses financially dependent on it.
