Cell Reports (Feb 2020)
Topography in the Bursting Dynamics of Entorhinal Neurons
Summary: Medial entorhinal cortex contains neural substrates for representing space. These substrates include grid cells that fire in repeating locations and increase in scale progressively along the dorsal-to-ventral entorhinal axis, with the physical distance between grid firing nodes increasing from tens of centimeters to several meters in rodents. Whether the temporal scale of grid cell spiking dynamics shows a similar dorsal-to-ventral organization remains unknown. Here, we report the presence of a dorsal-to-ventral gradient in the temporal spiking dynamics of grid cells in behaving mice. This gradient in bursting supports the emergence of a dorsal grid cell population with a high signal-to-noise ratio. In vitro recordings combined with a computational model point to a role for gradients in non-inactivating sodium conductances in supporting the bursting gradient in vivo. Taken together, these results reveal a complementary organization in the temporal and intrinsic properties of entorhinal cells. : Bant et al. report that temporal spiking statistics of grid cells progressively change along the dorsal-to-ventral axis of the entorhinal cortex in behaving animals. These spiking dynamics are associated with improved spatial coding in vivo and correspond to a complementary dorsal-ventral organization in ion channel conductances in vitro.