LingVaria (May 2019)
Badania polszczyzny krakowskiej – przeszłość i teraźniejszość
The Past and the Present of Research into Cracow Polish The paper presents the history of research into the urban spoken Polish of Cracow. Its most intensive period fell between 1976 and 1991. The research project was initiated by Professor M. Karaś. After his untimely death in 1977, the work was directed by Professor B. Dunaj. It was twin-track; both collective and individual studies were carried out. Under the supervision of B. Dunaj, five doctoral theses have been written; in total, nine books have been published: four collective and five individual ones. Some collective works have not been published, i.a. Słownik frekwencyjny nieoficjalnej odmiany polszczyzny mówionej (‘A frequency dictionary of an unofficial variety of spoken Polish’). Also other projects grew out of the research into the language spoken in Cracow, e.g. Słownik współczesnego języka polskiego (1996; ‘A dictionary of contemporary Polish’). In the first decade of the 21st century, B. Dunaj and M. Mycawka conducted research into regional vocabulary, focusing primarily on theoretical problems. Under the supervision of B. Dunaj, 28 unpublished monographies have been prepared on the subject of regional words in the speech of inhabitants of selected towns (mainly in Lesser Poland). In 2018, the dictionary Powiedziane po krakowsku. Słownik regionalizmów krakowskich (‘Said like in Cracow. A dictionary of Cracow regional words’, ed. by D. Ochmann and R. Przybylska) has been published, growing out of and referring to previous research. The present paper presents the controversial methodological problems related to research into regional vocabulary.