Antípoda: Revista de Antropología y Arqueología (May 2016)
Microrrelieve costero vs. icnitas humanas en la localidad El Caracolero (Claromecó, Argentina)
The aim of this paper is to discuss the origin of a series of cavities from an area of the Atlantic coast in the Pampean Region known as the Caracolero from Claromecó (Tres Arroyos County, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina) which, have been interpreted as human footprints. They are located on a rock that outcrops on the littoral abrasion platform. The discovery of the footprints and their ascription of a high antiquity ca. 30.000 years 14C BP was initially disclosed to the media, where they first had an impact. The lithological studies carried out allowed to establish that the features of rocky substratum consist of an arenite with carbonate cement linked to deposits from the Pleistocene transgression dating back to 120.000 years BP. The morphological features of the abrasion platform’s cavities match those produced by natural carbonate dissolution and are mainly defined as “pans” and “pits” in the geological literature. Finally, according to the available information, it is concluded that the cavities from Claromecó do not have a clear anthropic origin. Therefore, they cannot be taken into account in the archaeological debate about the early peopling of the Americas.