Rekayasa Mesin (Jan 2022)
Peran Senyawa Asam Fulvat dari Air Gambut terhadap Produktivitas Gas Hidrogen dengan Metode Elektrolisis
Wetlands water is water formed from the breakdown of organic substances found in peatlands. In general, wetlands water has acidic properties (pH<7), besides that the constituent compounds are humic substances, which consist of humic acid, fulvic acid and humin. Of the three acids that can react with air, namely fulvic acid, because this acid can react with all conditions, whether acidic, neutral or alkaline. Meanwhile, humic acid can only react with air in alkaline conditions. So, this research discusses the role of fulvic acid in H2O bonds to produce hydrogen by electrolysis. In the structure of fulvic acid which has an aromatic ring, where the aromatic ring can produce a magnetic field, so that the aromatic ring on the fulvic acid can resonate. The resonance reaction of deep fulvic acid can induce and weaken the H2O bond by attracting oxygen atoms in the H2O bond, because atoms have paramagnetic properties where these atoms can be weakly attracted by magnets, so that the H2O bonds become weak and can be easily reduced to hydrogen gas. fulvic acid, there are several other compounds contained in peat water and also help in the attenuation of H2O, namely K, Ca, Na, Fe, Mg, and Al compounds, where these compounds can react with H2O and produce H2. From the results of research conducted, the volume of hydrogen gas produced was 62.7 mL with a power consumption of 7.7-6.0 watts and the resulting current reached 0.64-0.5 amperes for 11 minutes of electrolysis time.