International Journal of Economic Plants (May 2023)
Introduction of Avocado (Persia americana) Fruits in Eastern Himalaya of India: A Review
Avocado (Persia americana) or locally called Phamfal is a subtropical, dicotyledonous, evergreen tree belonging to the family Lauraceae. The avocado tree is originated from a broad geographical area stretching from the eastern and central highlands of Mexico through Guatemala to the Pacific coast of Central America. Avocado is a fruit, produced from tropical trees characterized by a pear shape and blackish green in colour with high nutritional value and creamy texture. Avocado crop can be used in several ways i.e for processed products, exportation and oil extraction, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries as a raw material thereby generating high value added products.High demand for information on avocado indicates that there is considerable interest in this crop in various parts of India as well as Eastern India. Moreover, avocado can be grown in Darjeeling hilly region and adjoining states of India as the soil and climatic condition is favourable for their growth and development. However, in this region avocado cultivation is very negligible in homestead garden, small and marginal orchard due to lack of scientific knowledge of farmers. So that in this context to identify and conservation of wild and farmers cultivated species of avocado is the major concern for all avocado growers and scientist.