Hortus Botanicus (Dec 2018)
Rare and threatened arboreal plants of Otradnoje Scientific and Research Station of BIN RAS: results of introduction
There are 18 species of 16 genera of 13 families (Corylus colurna, Larix olgensis etc.) of woody threatened plants of the Red Data Book of Russian Federation (2008) cultivated at Scientificand Research Station Otradnoje of the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, including threatened species of the 1-st category: Acer japonicum, Aristolochia manshuriensis. There are also other rare and botanically interesting species, such as ones from the attachment list of the Russian Red Book “List of plants and fungi taxa that need monitoring and special attention to their state in the wild” (Abies gracilis, Hydrangea paniculata). There are 13 species that yield fruits and 5 species in vegetative state. Otradnoje Arboretum is situated in much more severe climatic conditions as compared to Saint-Petersburg, in subzone of the southern taiga. It is of importance for city planting at the Karelian Isthmus and for trees and shrubs promotion further north.