Reproductive Health (Apr 2022)
Experiences of teachers, educators, and school counselors about the sexual and reproductive health of educable intellectually disabled adolescent girls: a qualitative study
Plain English summary Achieving sexual health is a key task to develop health for all people including adolescents. Adolescents with intellectual disabilities are probably twice as many as people without intellectual disabilities to be sexually abused by family members, caregivers, close relatives, and others in the community. The role of schools and educators to manage children's sexual behaviors and provide appropriate training in this field was accepted by most societies. This research aimed to ascertain instructors', educators', and school counselors' perceptions on teenage females with educable ID's sexual health. Participants in the present study were mothers, teachers, educators, and school counselors who were selected via purposive sampling in Isfahan from July 2017 to April 2018. Data were collected from via semi‑structured interviews, focus group discussions, and field notes, and analyzed using conventional content analysis. The results showed that teachers, educators, and school counselors face different challenges about the sexual and reproductive health of intellectually disabled adolescent girls. Therefore, it should be attempted to promote knowledge and skill and eliminate negative attitudes and make them aware of the sexual rights of intellectually disabled adolescent girls to protect themselves in different situations.