INFAD (May 2018)
Nursing interventions in sexuality health care for women with lumbar medicine injury in c¡Catalonia: health promotion plan
This health promotion plan focuses on a specific theme, the nurse intervention in sexuality after a spinal cord injury, in a specific gender, the woman and a specific population, the Catalan one. Nursing as a health profession, we are health agents, and act around it, we are also the perfect link between the medical team and the social. Our health training in terms of promotion, prevention and health interventions guarantees the correct promotion of autonomy and independence through education plans for health. Theoretical references in nursing taken into account highlights the theory of the evaluation of the functional processes of Margorie Gordon, who grants an exclusive functional pattern to sexuality and reproduction. Methodology: the development of the project is viable through the Precede model. Through interventions in the fields of knowledge, skills and attitudes, oriented as a whole to modify sexual behavior and result in a satisfactory sexual life in harmony with its functional diversity.