Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości (Sep 2020)
Areas of changes in the International Integrated Reporting Framework in the context of substantial changes in the investors' approach to sustainable development issues
The purpose of the article is to present and evaluate the current activities of the International Integrated Reporting Council to improve the International Framework, in particular the considerations con-tained in the document Integrated Thinking & Strategy. State of Play Report, as well as the proposed change in the approach to the main user of the integrated report in accordance with Topic Paper 3: Chart-ing a path forward. The context for the evaluation is the profound changes in the approach to non-financial information currently taking place among providers of financial capital. They are not only in-creasingly interested in ESG issues to make investment decisions on this basis, but they also include them in their own business activities. In the course of her argument, the author indicates that the main purpose of the IIRC's activities is the transition from monocapitalism to multi-capitalism as a new economic doctrine for the 21st century, which is to be supported by changes in the Framework and the design of an improved value creation model. The change of the main user of integrated reporting from the pro-vider of financial capital to providers of all capitals planned by IIRC seems to constitute the first element of the materialization of the concept of multi-capitalism.