Вестник СибАДИ (Mar 2021)
Geonics (geomimetics) and search for optimal solutions in building materials science
Introduction. Methodological approaches and validation of the emergence of a new transdisciplinary area -geonics, which is considered as the art of applying knowledge of the inorganic world, are presented.Materials and methods. The concept of technogenic metasomatism as a stage in the evolution of building materials, characterized by the adaptation of the composite to changing conditions is formulated. The Law of affinity of structures, which consists in the selection of raw materials for a composite with similar physical and mechanical characteristics, is described.Results. The examples of non-traditional raw materials use in the areas of construction materials science (intelligent composites, restoration mixtures) and architecture (the building of the Belarusian Potash Company in Belarus, the 'Reflection of the mineral’ building in Japan, the design concept of the monument to the Kursk magnetic anomaly) are presented.Discussion and conclusions. It is proved that the development of a transdisciplinary approach to geonics will improve the comfort of human stay in the environment.