Barnboken: Tidskrift för Barnlitteraturforskning (Mar 2011)

Kropp i bevegelse i bildeboka Känner du Pippi Långstrump?

  • Bjorvand, Agnes-Margrethe

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 34, no. 1
pp. 204 – 218


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In Astrid Lindgren’s authorship, there are many bodies in motion, and one of her most movable and energetic characters is Pippi Longstocking. In the illustrated novels about Pippi (Lindgren and Nyman 1945, 1946, and 1948) there are relatively few pictures, and as a result, Lindgren's words carry most of the story. In the novels, her words have a greater functional load (Kress 2003, 46 ) than Nyman’s pictures. Naturally then, the words convey most of the information about Pippi and the other characters' movements. But how does the portrayal of bodies in motion change when Pippi is portrayed in picturebooks where the pictures have a lot more space, ie, a greater functional load than in the illustrated novels? The aim of this article is to study bodies in motion in Astrid Lindgren’s and Ingrid Nyman’s picturebook Do you Know Pippi Longstocking? (1947). My main focus will be how words and illustrations – together and separately – provide the reader with information about Pippi’s movements in this picturebook.
