Journal of Global Health Reports (Dec 2020)
Tobacco control in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda: a policy implementation review
# Background The COVID-19 pandemic has caused more than 900,000 deaths globally. The risk of mortality is higher for people with pre-existing conditions such as cancers, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and diabetes for which tobacco use is a known risk factor. We conducted a study to explore how efforts to address the COVID-19 pandemic in Uganda have been integrated with tobacco control policies to generate evidence to inform policy decisions about the public health response in general and tobacco control interventions in particular. # Methods We conducted a desk based review of ‘grey’ literature data sources (i.e. data that were not included in peer reviewed journals) with information about tobacco and COVID-19 in Uganda. Data were also obtained from stakeholders involved tobacco control via an online survey and telephone interviews. # Findings A total of 136 data sources were identified, of which 107 were eligible for data extraction. The online stakeholder consultation involved invitations to 61 participants of whom 33 (54%) took part via the online survey while 5 (8.2%) opted for telephone interviews. In the context of the COVID-19 prevention interventions, social media can be a powerful platform for communicating anti-tobacco messages such as the vulnerability of tobacco users to COVID-19 and the exacerbated disease severity among COVID-19 patients with history of tobacco use. Two thirds (n=20, 65%) of survey respondents expected a tobacco tax increase to address health, economic and wider policy impacts of the COVID-19 crisis. # Conclusions Advocacy should be conducted for taxation of tobacco products to reduce consumption and generate revenue to support public health investments. Public health institutions involved in the COVID-19 response should reject donations from the tobacco industry and its allies as is stipulated in the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the Uganda Tobacco Control Act 2015. The COVID-19 pandemic also offers an opportunity to promote tobacco cessation and strengthening tobacco control policy implementation by recognizing the role of tobacco use in exacerbating COVID-19 health outcomes.