Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jul 2006)
Ekološki aspekti primene piralena / Ecological aspect of pyralen application
Piralen se koristi kao rashladni fluid u električnim transformatorima visokog napona. Spada u najopasnije zagađivače čovekove okoline. U radu su prikazane njegove fizičko-hemijske karakteristike, postupci pri isticanju iz ambalaže ili transformatora usled požara, postupci dekontaminacije i način gašenja požara na piralenu i piralenskim transformatorima. / Pyralen is used as a cooling fluid in high voltage electrical transformers. It belongs to a group of the most dangerous polluters of the environment. In the article it is presented pyralen's physical and chemical characteristics, procedures of decontamination and procedures in cases of leaking of pyralen from package or transformers, as well as procedures of firefight on pyralen and pyralen transformers.