Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Hasil Ternak (Nov 2013)

Study on Physico-chemical Quality of Beef In The Market of Malang City

  • Heru Prasetyo,
  • Masdiana Ch Padaga,
  • Manik Eirry Sawitri

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 1 – 8


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Results of this research indicate that the physical qualities of the beef include the average value of pH 5.6 for Dinoyo market; Blimbing market was 5.7; Besar market was 5.6. Average WHC values of Dinoyo market was 36.13%; 30.79% for Blimbing market, and 29.67% for Besar market. Average texture value of Dinoyo market was 10.56%, 12.82% for Blimbing market; and 12.89% for Besar market. As for the chemical quality include the value of the average moisture content of 77.65% for Dinoyo market; 76.05% for Blimbing market, and 76.03% for Besar market. Value of the average fat content was 14.7% for Dinoyo market; 14.34% for Blimbing market, and 15.43% for Besar market. The value of an average protein content was 18.26% for Dinoyo market; 18.1% for Blimbing market, and 19.19% for Besar market. Key words: beef, pH, WHC, texture, water, fat, protein