Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery (Feb 2021)
The Effect of Stimulus Rates in Chirp and Click Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response in Adults with Normal Hearing Sensitivity
Introduction The effects of increasing stimulus repetition rate on the ABR using click stimuli have been investigated in normal and hearing impaired subjects with neurologic abnormality but there is limited study on the effect of stimulus repetition rate on ABR using chirp stimuli. The present study aims to compare the chirp evoked auditory brainstem responses with reference to changes in latency of peaks, interaural latency differences and interwave latency intervals as a function of rate and compare those responses with the click evoked auditory brainstem responses, in normal hearing subjects. Materials and Methods Total 30 normally hearing adults were considered for this study. All participants were screened for normal hearing sensitivity upto 8 kHz in pure tone audiometry for middle ear pathology and central auditory processing disorder. Four parameters of ABR were considered to assess in this study including absolute latency, interwave latency intervals, latency-rate function and interaural latency. ABR was done based on the protocol of this study. Results Results revealed that there was a significant difference in the absolute latency and interwave intervals when the stimulus repetition rate was increased. Conclusion The latencies of wave III and V increases and waveform morphology changed as the stimulus repetition rate increased above 20/sec. The absolute latency of wave III and V was found to be shorter than clicks and can be used especially in newborn hearing evaluation assuming in shorter time window.