Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Coordination of health care with the community in the clinical management of tuberculosis

  • Erika Simone Galvão Pinto,
  • Rosimeire Fontes de Queiroz,
  • Gisele Santana Pereira Carreiro,
  • Luana Jordana Morais,
  • Eliabe Rodrigues de Medeiros,
  • Tereza Cristina Scatena Villa

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. 3
pp. 1122 – 1127


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ABSTRACT Objective: determine the coordination of Primary Health Care with community resources in the clinical management of tuberculosis. Method: descriptive study, of quantitative approach, with participation of one hundred health professionals. Part of a questionnaire was used in evaluating local institutional capacity for the model of chronic conditions care, adapted for tuberculosis care. Results: the coordination between health units, individuals with tuberculosis, and community organizations; the partnerships between institutions and local health councils/committees showed limited capacity. On the other hand, the component for the participation of the Community Health Agent presented more favorable capacity. Conclusion: the municipality has unfavorable capacity for coordination of health units and the community. It is reinforced the need to promote these coordinations in search of symptomatic cases in the communities, in the directly observed treatment, and in promoting the association between different social actors.
