Эпилепсия и пароксизмальные состояния (Sep 2016)
EXPERIENCE OF TREATMENT OF DIFFERENT FORMS OF EPILEPSY WITH GENERIC TOPIRAMATE (The results of focus observation in out-patientclinics network of Moscow city public healthcare services)
Current work is dedicated to analysis of treatment with generic topiramate in mono- as well as in polytherapy in patients with different forms of epilepsy. Forclinical assessmentsHospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), quality of life questionnaire for patients with epilepsy (QOLIE-10) and efficacy primary assessment based on decrease in frequency of seizures and adverse events before and after switching to generic topiramate were used. As a result of focus investigation switch to Topsaver was associated with maintenance of stable therapeutic effect in more, than 80% of cases. No negative dynamics in changes of HADS and QOLIE-10 points were observed.