Studii si Cercetari Filologice: Seria Limbi Straine Aplicate (Dec 2018)
La valeur d’applicabilité d’une théorie linguistique. L’exemple des temps, des modes et des aspects du système verbal français
The contribution of linguistics to the teaching of French as a foreign language is one of the remedial solutions to overcome the inadequacies of grammar in French as a foreign language. The example of the times, modes and aspects of the French verbal system has been the subject of this article which exploits these different difficulties of grammar. This will rely on certain linguistic theories, via the value of applicability of Marie Eve Damar (2009), to bring remedies to the problems posed by this fact of language. We proceed initially to identify the different inconsistencies of three grammars, then we analyze three linguistic theories that relate to the verbal system. This tool will allow us to use one of the theories or criteria to identify remedial approaches to the didacticalization of the verb in FLE classroom.