Filosofický časopis (Nov 2022)
Heideggerovské konfrontace v paródické interpretační situaci
This review study considers Ivan Blecha’s book Bytí a svět. Heidegger v kontextu [Being and the World: Heidegger in Context] chiefly from the point of view of how to read Heidegger after the publication of the first volumes of the Black Notebooks in 2014 and the discussions that have followed in its wake. The peril of contemporary writing about Heidegger is understood by this study as a par-odic interpretive situation. Its basis is a loss of confidence in the governing principles of Heidegger’s seriously intended texts, which manifests itself in the fact that they have inadvertently become a parody of themselves. As a possible response to this situation, Blecha’s method of interpretative confrontations is highlighted. Blecha’s interpretation of Heidegger is subsequently characterized as moving towards a realistic and topological phenomenology.