Revista Eletrônica de Enfermagem (Dec 2014)

Evidence of care comprehensiveness in the practice of nursing staff in oncology palliative care

  • Marcelle Miranda da Silva,
  • Marléa Chagas Moreira,
  • Joséte Luzia Leite,
  • Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 16, no. 4
pp. 795 – 803


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The objective was to identify evidences of comprehensive care in the professional practice of the nursing staff in the context of oncology palliative care. In this descriptive, qualitative study, seven nurses and four nursing technicians were interviewed. Thematic analysis resulted two thematic units: Evidences of comprehensive care in the practice of the nursing professionals and teamwork as the premise of comprehensive care. The nursing staff’s actions are based on communication, converging efforts, and forming a network with other professionals to meet the multiple needs of the individuals and their families in order to offer comfort and quality of life. Self-worth and self-perception of the nursing team should be encouraged as key elements in the dynamics and organization of the work, while the availability of resources is primordial to be able to apply the instruments of interaction and the organizational policy that supports being interdisciplinary and therefore complete and comprehensive. doi: 10.5216/ree.v16.i4.25700.
