Revista de Política Judiciária, Gestão e Administração da Justiça (Dec 2015)
Control of Foreign Courts: Limits and Possibilities of the National Council of Justice
This article aimed to discuss the meaning and scope of external control of the judiciary, exercised by the National Council of Justice. To this end, it presented initially, the approval process and constitution of this body control, as well as the advances and setbacks in parliamentary discussions leading up to the Constitutional Amendment 45/2014. The stood out political and social expectations of its conformation in addition to the institutional framework and the powers provided for constitutionally. Finally, he approached the sense of transparency and publicity that the CNJ brought to the judiciary and how its projects and actions might represent a new paradigm for the institutions of the justice system. In this article was used explanatory critical method, it being understood that the object to be investigated can only be investigated exposed after and critically analyzed in its essential determinations. As technical procedures emphasized the bibliographical and documentary research.