In die Skriflig (Jun 1993)
’n Weg uit die oorheersing van die histories - kritiese metode, fundamentalisme en genitiefteologieë
The Reformed Churches in South Africa (GKSA) have often during the past decades been accused of fundamentalism. The aim of this paper is to describe what fundamentalism implies, which trends of fundamentalism can be traced in South Africa and which hermeneutics should be followed in future. Seeing that fundamentalism is only one hermeneutical paradigm which dominates in some circles while the historical-critical method or one of the so-called genitive-theologies dominate in other cirlces, such a hermeneutics should also he adequate to eliminate the one-sidedness of these paradigms. Stuhlmacher's Hermeneutics of Consent with the biblical texts is recommended as a better hermeneutical alternative to interpret Scripture.