Бюллетень сибирской медицины (Dec 2003)
Instrumental diagnostics of hemocoagulation homeostasis damages during a burn shock
The aim of the investigation is a determination of diagnostic value of whole blood low-frequency piezoelectric hemocoagulography method (LPH) and its suitability for monitoring the homeostasis functional state during the burn shock. 40 patients with the severe thermal injury and different consequences of burn disease have been examined in development dynamics and intensive burn shock therapy with LPH method and general biochemical tests that reflected the state of vascular platelet and coagulation homeostasis and fibrinolysis components. It has been found that severe burn shock development has been accompanied by significant pathological changes in all hemostasis sections, the rate and severity of which has been connected closely with the outcome of the burn disease. The LPH method is the easiest and most informative one for monitoring the functional states of all hemostasis sections during the dynamic critical state, such as the burn shock.