Revista de la Asociación Odontológica Argentina (Jan 2020)

Eficacia del instrumento XP-endo Finisher y del sistema EndoActivator en la reducción/eliminación del biofilm bacteriano. Un ensayo ex vivo// Ability of the XP-endo Finisher instrument and the EndoActivator system to reduce/eliminate of the bacterial biofilm. An ex vivo assay

  • Roberto Della Porta,
  • Carolina Chaves,
  • Silvina Bergese,
  • Rosa Scavo,
  • Liliana Fernández-Canigia,
  • Osvaldo Zmener

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 108, no. 2


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Resumen Objetivos: Comparar ex vivo la eficacia del instrumento XP-endo Finisher y del sistema EndoActivator en la reducción/ eliminación del biofilm microbiano en conductos radiculares infectados. Materiales y métodos: Se utilizaron 23 premolares inferiores humanos extraídos cuya longitud fue estandarizada en 17 mm. Todos los conductos se prepararon con el sistema WaveOne Gold Medium (#35.06). Los dientes se esterilizaron, se inocularon con Enterococcus faecalis y se separaron en dos grupos experimentales de 10 piezas cada uno. De los 3 dientes remanentes, 1 fue utilizado como control positivo y 2, como controles negativos. En el grupo 1, las soluciones irrigantes se agitaron con XP-endo Finisher. En el grupo 2, se utilizó EndoActivator. Se tomaron muestras antes de la contaminación, luego de esta y después de la agitación de los irrigantes mediante conos de papel estériles. La carga microbiana fue sembrada en agar sangre y los conos se cultivaron en caldo tripteína de soja. La remoción de la carga microbiana se determinó por la presencia o ausencia de turbiedad del medio. Las unidades formadoras de colonias (UFC) remanentes se cuantificaron y los resultados se categorizaron como R1 (≤10 UFC) o R2 (>10 UFC). Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba de Fisher. Resultados: No hubo diferencias significativas entre XP-endo Finisher y EndoActivator (P>0,05). El número de usos no influyó sobre la capacidad operativa de ambos instrumentos. Conclusiones: XP-endo Finisher y EndoActivator fueron igualmente eficaces para la reducción/eliminación del biofilm microbiano. Palabras clave: EndoActivator, endodoncia, irrigación, XP-endo Finisher// Abstract Aim: To compare ex vivo the effectiveness of the XP-endo Finisher and the EndoActivator in biofilm reduction/ removal from infected root canals. Materials and methods: Twenty three extracted human single-rooted lower premolars were selected and standardised to 17 mm in length. All the canals were prepared with WaveOne Gold Medium reciprocating files (#35.06). The teeth were autoclaved and inoculated with Enterococcus faecalis. The infected teeth were then assigned to 2 experimental groups of 10 teeth each according to the final irrigation/agitation protocol. Of the three remaining teeth, one was used as a positive control, and the other two were used as negative controls. In Group 1 the irrigating solutions were agitated with XP-endo Finisher while in Group 2 the EndoActivator was used. All root canals were sampled before and after contamination, and again after irrigant agitation with sterile paper points. The microbial load was spread on blood agar plates and the paper points were cultured in sterile trypticase soy broth. The removal of the microbial load was determined by visual observation of the turbidity of the media and by quantification of the number of colony-forming units (UFC). The results were categorized as R1 (≤10 UFC) or R2 (>10 UFC). Data were analysed by the Fisher’s exact test at P0.05) regarding their effectiveness in the reduction/removal of the microbial biofilm. The number of uses of both instruments did not affect their operative performance. Conclusion: XPF and EA were both equally effective for microbial biofilm reduction/removal from ex vivo infected root canals. Key words: EndoActivator, endodontics, irrigation, root canal disinfection, XP-endo Finisher.
