Academia: Архитектура и строительство (Mar 2019)
The Influence of Transport Load on Quality of Repair Works of Non-Rigid Pavements with Application by a Jet-Injection Method
Increased traffic intensity and increased axial Load from vehicles on road surfaces contribute to the formation of defects in the form of potholes and cracks. To improve the service Life and traffic safety timely care of the coating is required. Untimely work Leads to a decrease in the service Life of the pavement. The use of a jet-injection method of repair of road surfaces aLLows to perform work quickLy with minimaL cost in reLation to other methods of repair. The articLe considers the process of eLimination of defects on non-rigid road surfaces with the use of bitumen-mineraL mixtures by a jet-injection method. The resuLts of experimentaL studies carried out in the course of repair work on the second technicaL category road with high traffic intensity and increased axiaLLoad from vehicLes are presented. It was found out that the formation of the structure of the bitumen-mineraL mixture in the pothoLe of the road surface occurs over a reLativeLy Long period of time. Under the influence of contact stresses under the tire of the car, there are deformations of the material, the excess of whichLeads to its decompression. It is experimentaLLy proved that in order to increase the serviceLife of the repaired road surface, additionaL compaction of the bitumen-mineraL mixture is necessary. It was found that the excessLoad on the Layer of bitumen-mineraL mixture in the pothoLe coating at the stage of formation of its structure above the tensiLe strength contributes to the formation of pLastic deformations and reduce the required compaction coefficient. To improve the quaLity of repair work, it is necessary to Limit the axiaLLoad of vehicLes on the surface of the pothoLe for 20-30 days during the formation of the structure of the Laid materiaL in the pothoLe of the road surface.