Вестник Северо-Кавказского федерального университета (Jun 2024)
The role of banking capital in modern entrepreneurship
Introduction. One of the problems in the functioning of domestic regional banks is the ambiguity of the implemented policy of the state and the regulator in relation to regional banks: on the one hand, the number of banks is significantly reduced, on the other hand, emphasis is placed on ensuring the stability of the country's banking system.Goal. The purpose of the study is to develop a fundamentally new approach to the activities of regional banks.Materials and methods. In connection with the special role of regional banks in the development of the country's banking system and its economy, a special approach to regulating the activities of regional banks is required. The important role played by bank capital in the development of entrepreneurship is obvious. In connection with the special role of regional banks in the development of the regional economy, it is necessary to improve the implementation of a special approach to regulating the activities of regional banks in order to develop entrepreneurship, which will have an effect both at the microeconomic level and at the macro level. The study proposes to use the selective approach developed by the authors for assessing bank capital in order to timely recapitalize, prevent bankruptcy and develop entrepreneurship. The category “approach” is under stood as a fairly broad concept.Results and discussion. When choosing an approach, the vector for further research is determined. For example, a selective (selective) approach allows the development of an appropriate specific selective research method. In other words, the approach acts as the foundation of the research, based on which the goals are achieved.Conclusion. The author's methodology for grouping indicators proposed in the study will allow the regulator to timely identify financially weakened banks in order to provide them with assistance in terms of replenishing capital, thereby launching a mechanism for the development of entrepreneurship. This approach will be of particular importance in the development and functioning of regional banks.