Известия высших учебных заведений: Геология и разведка (Sep 2019)

Seismogravitational pulsations on the continents of the Earth

  • Yu. V. Antonov,
  • I. A. Ponomarenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 4
pp. 78 – 84


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Gravimetric and seismic pulsations coincide in time with each other. This synchrony circumstance was previously analyzed for the Eurasian continent, where the data on seismic and gravimetric observations are available. The pulsations of the gravimetric and seismic fields have been appeared to be able to occur not only under the action of meteor showers, but also due to the processes occurring in the atmosphere.Weather-related pulsations are mainly confined to the maritime part of Eurasia and the adjacent coastal part of the continent. Intercontinental pulsations, and their number is much less than in the sea, are observed around the globe and are synchronous with each other. It is likely that the cause of the formation of intercontinental pulsations is the impact of meteor showers on the Earth’s atmosphere, creating as a result of fluctuations in the atmosphere. Ripples in the ocean and coastal zones are created by cyclonic vortices, which are the product of the uneven heating of the Earth’s surface.
