Âderna Fìzika ta Energetika (Dec 2010)
7Li(18O, 17N)8Be reaction and the 17N + 8Be-potential
Angular distributions of the 7Li(18O, 17N)8Be reaction were measured for the transitions to the ground states of 8Be and 17N and excited states of 17N at the energy Elab(18O) = 114 MeV. The data were analyzed with coupled-reaction-channels method for one- and two-step transfers of nucleons and clusters. In the analysis, the 7Li + 18O potential de-duced in the analysis of the elastic 7Li + 18O-scattering data as well as shell-model spectroscopic amplitudes of trans-ferred nucleons and clusters were used. Parameters of the 8Be + 17N potential were deduced using the reaction data. Contributions of different one- and two-step transfers in the 7Li(18O, 17N)8Be reaction cross-section was studied.