Байкальский медицинский журнал (Dec 2024)
Relevance. The effect of the drug Omnic (Tamsulosin) reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of the prostate gland, bladder neck, prostatic part of the urethra, improves urine flow, reduces the symptoms of obstruction and irritation of the urinary tract in benign prostatic hypertrophy. However, there are no data on its anti-inflammatory effect.Objective. To determine the mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory effect of the drug Omnic on the model of purulent inflammation in rats.Material and methods. The study was conducted on 50 outbred white male rats divided into 2 series: Series 1 - control (they were implanted with diffusion chambers filled with an aqueous suspension of a one-day culture of staphylococcus aureus under the skin of the thigh; Series 2 - experimental (the animals of this series were modeled with purulent inflammation similar to the control, but from the 1st day of inflammation, the rats were injected intramuscularly with 0.02 ml of the Omnic preparation for 10 days). The materials were collected 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 30, 60 days after implantation. The material was fixed in a 10 % solution of neutral formalin. In the peripheral zone of the inflammation focus, the state of the microvessels was qualitatively assessed, the concentration of mast cells, eosinophils, neutrophils, mononuclear cells and poorly differentiated fibroblasts was counted.Results. After 48 Hours after the onset of inflammation, a cellular wall with a thickness of 313.18 ± 30.19 μm is observed around the chamber wall. Three days after the introduction of the chambers, the thickness of the leukocyte wall remains the same and is 334.38 ± 25.69 μm. Five days after the onset of inflammation, the thickness of the leukocyte wall decreases sharply compared to the previous period and is 157.86 ± 46.08 μm. Seven days after the introduction of the chambers, the thickness of the cellular wall increases to 220 ± 29.67 μm. On the 10th day from the onset of inflammation, the thickness of the wall decreases to 129.52 ± 21.01 μm. On the 15th day of inflammation, the thickness and condition of the leukocyte wall do not change. On days 20-30-60 from the moment of implantation of the chambers, the remains of the leukocyte shaft with a thickness of 117.86 ± 29.6 μm were observed around them.Conclusion. The effect of Omnic on the dynamics of cellular reactions in the inflammation focus enhances the migration capacity of leukocytes, concentrates fibroblasts around the leukocyte shaft. At the same time, the synthesis of collagen by fibroblasts does not correspond to the thickness of the connective tissue capsule, which disrupts the maturation process of the capsule. Presumably, the action of Omnic is associated with the effect of the drug on the tone of capillaries and venules