Jurnal Agro (Dec 2022)

Konsorsium Bacillus spp. Untuk pengendalian penyakit rebah kecambah dan busuk batang (Sclerotium rolfsii) pada tanaman Cabai

  • Yulmira Yanti,
  • Hasmiandy Hamid,
  • Yaherwandi Yaherwandi,
  • Nurbailis Nurbailis

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 9, no. 2
pp. 208 – 218


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Sclerotium rolfsii merupakan patogen tular tanah yang dapat menyebabkan kehilangan hasil hingga 75% pada tanaman cabai. Alternatif pengendalian ramah lingkungan bisa menggunakan agens hayati yaitu konsorsium bakteri endofit Bacillus spp. Penelitian bertujuan mendapatkan konsorsium Bacillus spp. terbaik untuk pengendalian rebah kecambah dan busuk pangkal batang yang disebabkan S. rolfsii pada tanaman cabai. Penelitian berupa eksperimen secara in vivo menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap dengan tujuh perlakuan dan tiga ulangan yaitu : konsorsium A (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB), konsorsium B (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB), konsorsium C (B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB), konsorsium D (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB + B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB), Kontrol positif (tidak diberi S. rolfsii dan Bacillus spp.), Kontrol negatif (diinokulasikan S. rolfsii dan tidak diberi Bacillus spp.) dan Kontrol pembanding (fungisida Mankozeb). Peubah yang diamati yaitu perkembangan penyakit rebah kecambah dan busuk pangkal batang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan konsorsium AGBE 2.1 TL+ SLBE 2.3 BB, konsorsium AGBE2.1 TL + SLBE1.1 BB dan konsorsium AGBE2.1 TL + SLBE1.1 BB + SLBE2.3 BB memiliki efektivitas 100% dalam mengendalikan penyakit rebah kecambah dan busuk pangkal batang. ABSTRACT Sclerotium rolfsii is a soil-borne pathogen that can reduce yields up to 75% in chili plants. An alternative for environmentally friendly control can use biological agents, namely a consortium of endophytic bacteria Bacillus spp. The aim of the study was to obtain a consortium of Bacillus spp. best for controlling of damping off and stem rot caused by S. rolfsii in chili plants. The study was an in vivo experiment using a completely randomized design with seven treatments and three replications: consortium A (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB), consortium B (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB), consortium C (B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB), consortium D (B. toyonensis AGBE2.1 TL + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB + B. thuringiensis SLBE2.3 BB), positive control (no S. rolfsii and Bacillus spp.), negative control (inoculated with S. rolfsii and no Bacillus spp.) and comparison control (Mankozeb fungicide). The results obtained that the consortium AGBE 2.1 TL+ SLBE 2.3 BB, the consortium AGBE2.1 TL + SLBE1 .1 BB and consortium AGBE2.1 TL + SLBE2.3 BB + B. cereus SLBE1.1 BB were 100% effective in suppressing developmental disease of damping off and stem rot caused by S. rolfsii.
