Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience (Dec 2024)
Animacy processing by distributed and interconnected networks in the temporal cortex of monkeys
Animacy perception, the ability to discern living from non-living entities, is crucial for survival and social interaction, as it includes recognizing abstract concepts such as movement, purpose, and intentions. This process involves interpreting cues that may suggest the intentions or actions of others. It engages the temporal cortex (TC), particularly the superior temporal sulcus (STS) and the adjacent region of the inferior temporal cortex (ITC), as well as the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC). However, it remains unclear how animacy is dynamically encoded over time in these brain areas and whether its processing is distributed or localized. In this study, we addressed these questions by employing a symbolic categorization task involving animate and inanimate objects using natural movie stimuli. Simultaneously, electrocorticography were conducted in both the TC and dmPFC. Time-frequency analysis revealed region-specific frequency representations throughout the observation of the movies. Spatial searchlight decoding analysis demonstrated that animacy processing is represented in a distributed manner. Regions encoding animacy information were found to be dispersed across the fundus and lip of the STS, as well as in the ITC. Next, we examined whether these dispersed regions form functional networks. Independent component analysis revealed that the spatial distribution of the component with the most significant animacy information corresponded with the dispersed regions identified by the spatial decoding analysis. Furthermore, Granger causality analysis indicated that these regions exhibit frequency-specific directional functional connectivity, with a general trend of causal influence from the ITC to STS across multiple frequency bands. Notably, a prominent feedback flow in the alpha band from the ITC to both the ventral bank and fundus of the STS was identified. These findings suggest a distributed and functionally interconnected neural substrate for animacy processing across the STS and ITC.