Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jul 2008)

Huellas en el camino hacia la peronización: los estudiantes junto al movimiento obrero peronista

  • Marina Alejandra Reta



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This article intends to reconstruct the way large sectors of the student movement got closer to Peronism during the decade of 1960 in Argentina. This phenomenon cannot be explained without taking into account the dilemmas that emerged after the coup that overthrew Peronism in 1955, as this event encouraged different attempts of articulation with popular struggles lasting until the following decade. This gave shape to a large variety of joined strategies, but one of them distinguished from the rest: The process of "peronization" of university students. We focus in particular the experience of the “Frente Estudiantil Nacional” (FEN), defined initially as a national and popular group of Marxist roots, but that shifted towards Peronism. By analysing some of their texts we intend to reconstruct their identity as peronists, and their transition to peronization.
