Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology (Jan 2015)

Interpretation of ileal biopsies

  • Prasenjit Das,
  • Gaurav P. S. Gahlot,
  • Ritu Mehta,
  • Siddhartha Datta Gupta

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 58, no. 2
pp. 146 – 153


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The ileum is one of the most common sites of intestine to undergo endoscopic biopsy. However, even with the experienced histopathologists, a definite diagnosis can be achieved only in 18% cases. Lack of knowledge about proper tissue handling, tissue orientation, overlapping histological findings, and lack of a standard algorithm based approach results in this low diagnostic yield. In this review article, we have tried to discuss these aspects and give a clear picture how to approach the ileal lesions. It would help the surgical pathologists in effectively interpreting the lesions and to identify the common pitfalls.
