MedEdPORTAL (Jun 2013)
Critical Synthesis Package: Competency Assessment Instrument in Severe Mental Illness
Abstract This Critical Synthesis Package contains: (1) a Critical Analysis of the psychometric properties and application to health sciences education for the Competency Assessment Instrument (CAI) in Severe Mental Illness; (2) a copy of the CAI instrument and the CAI scoring key developed by Alexander Young, MD. The CAI was designed to be a quality improvement tool to assess clinical competencies related to concepts of recovery-oriented care related to clients with severe mental illness. Such concepts include rehabilitation, empowerment, and recovery. Other uses of this measure include recruitment and clinical education, and training. The tool is designed to be used with all levels of health care professionals, from front-line clinical staff to administrators, psychologists, and psychiatrists. The CAI has 55 items representing 15 scales including: Goals, Stress, Client Preferences, Intensive Case Management, Holistic Approach, Family Education, Rehabilitation, Skill Advocacy, Natural Supports, Stigma, Community Resources, Medication Management, Family Involvement, Team Value, and Evidence-based Practice. It is a paper-based self-assessment comprised of Likert scales, clinical scenarios, and multiple-choice items. Items are grouped and a scale score is calculated following a formula provided by the authors. The scale ranges from 0 (the absence of competency) to 1 (complete competency). It has been used to measure the competencies of second-year psychiatry residents in a 3 month community psychiatry rotation. The instrument did illustrate improvements in goal functioning, client preferences, holistic approach, skills advocacy and team value.