آموزش بهداشت و ارتقاء سلامت ایران (Apr 2018)

Relationship Between Age, Gender And Body Mass Index With Performance of Fundamental Motor Skills Among Children Aged 7-10 Years

  • Amir Shams,
  • Roshanak Vameghi

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1
pp. 39 – 52


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Background and Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between age, gender and body mass index with performance of fundamental motor skills among children aged 7-10 years. Methods: A total of 600 children aged 7-10 years from Tehran participated in this research. Body mass index was directly measured from height (m)2/weight(kg) for each child. Fundamental motor skills were assessed by using the OSU-SIGMA scale. Results: The results showed that age and gender variables had a significant relationship on walking and running skills, but BMI was not significant (P>0.05). Also age, gender and body mass index variables had a significant relationship on jumping, skipping, hopping and ladder climbing (P<0.05). Age and BMI variables had a significant relationship on ladder climbing but gender variables was not significant. The results showed that age and gender variables had significant effect on catching and throwing skills but BMI was not significant for these skills. Finally the results showed that age, gender and BMI had a significant relationship on kicking and sticking skills. Also, this research demonstrated that boys performed better than girls. Conclusion: Based on presented results, the need for educational programs in the field of play and physical activities seems necessary in elementary schools. If these programs are carefully implemented, could lead to increase expertise in fundamental motor skills. Thus, increased play and physical activity, leading to reduce the prevalence of obesity and overweight in children.
