Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP (Sep 2010)
Estudo preliminar sobre a qualidade de vida de médicos e enfermeiros intensivistas pediátricos e neonatais Estudio preliminar sobre la calidad de vida de médicos y enfermeros intensivistas pediátricos y neonatales Preliminary study about qualify of life of physicians and nurses working in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units
Comparar a Qualidade de Vida (QV) de médicos e enfermeiros que trabalham em UTI Pediátrica (PED) e Neonatal (NEO) e, também, avaliar se há diferença entre a QV na mesma categoria profissional, mas diferindo de acordo com a unidade de trabalho. Estudo descritivo com 37 médicos e 20 enfermeiros. O WHOQOL-100 foi utilizado. Médicos da PED diferiram estatisticamente no domínio VI (p=0,003), quando comparados com médicos da NEO. Médicos e enfermeiros da PED apresentaram diferença estatística significante no domínio V (p Comparar la Calidad de Vida (QV) de médicos y enfermeros que trabajan en UTI Pediátrica (PED) y neonatal (NEO) y, también evaluar si existe diferencia entre la QV en la misma categoría profesional, aunque variando de acuerdo con la unidad de trabajo. Estudio descriptivo con 37 médicos y 20 enfermeros. Fue utilizado el WHOQOL-100. Los médicos de PED diferían estadísticamente en el dominio VI (p=0,003) en comparación con los médicos de NEO. Médicos y enfermeros de PED presentaron una diferencia estadística significativa en el dominio V (pCompare the Quality of Life (QL) of doctors and nurses who work in Pediatric (PED) and Neonatal (NEO) Intensive Care Units, and to evaluate whether there are differences between the QL in the same job category, but differing according to the work unit. This descriptive study was performed with 37 physicians and 20 nurses. The WHOQOL100 was used. Physicians from the PED differ statistically in the field VI (p=0.003) compared with physicians from the NEO. Physicians and nurses from the PED showed a statistically significant difference in field V (p<0.01), while physicians and nurses from the NEO showed a statistically significant difference in field VI (p=0.05). The QL assessment of physicians and nurses working in pediatric and neonatal intensive care units was below the scores found in scientific literature, compared to studies that evaluated patients with chronic pain and mental health disorders, indicating the occurrence of occupational stress.