TATuP – Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis (Apr 2022)
Elektronische Laborbücher in der Praxis: Folgen und Nutzen digitaler Forschungsdokumentation
Electronic laboratory notebooks (ELN) support transparent documentation of research processes, facilitate project-based team science and scientific exchange with cooperation partners. To foster transparency, cooperation, and knowledge transfer, academic research institutions increasingly support the use of ELN. Using the example of the institutional implementation of ELN at Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, this article reflects on the social innovation potential of such a project. Based on the observation that researchers need to adapt routines in order to use ELN effectively and in line with institutional goals, this article emphasizes the social character of digital research documentation and the need to create awareness of this social character at all organizational levels. Furthermore, the development of social practices must be integrated early in higher education.