Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra (May 2018)

Knowledge about Stroke in Belo Horizonte, Brazil: A Community-Based Study Using an Innovative Video Approach

  • Fidel Meira,
  • Daiane Magalhães,
  • Luiz Sérgio da Silva,
  • Ana Clara Mendonça e Silva,
  • Gisele Sampaio Silva

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 8, no. 2
pp. 60 – 69


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Background and Purpose: Stroke is a leading cause of death in Brazil. Knowledge about the clinical manifestations of stroke as well as its risk factors and its management is still poor in the country. We intended to assess the stroke knowledge of an urban population in Belo Ho­rizonte, Brazil. Methods: Individuals assisted by a basic health unit were interviewed between February and August 2014. After demographic data collection, the participants were asked to watch a video that consisted of a person presenting stroke signals and they were asked to answer questions about the condition shown on the video. Afterwards, they answered a semi-structured questionnaire to evaluate their stroke knowledge. Results: A total of 703 people were interviewed (62.1% female, mean age 46.7 years). Recognition of a person having a stroke on the presented video was achieved by 56.1% of the subjects. Female sex (p = 0.029) and contact with someone who had had a stroke (family member [p < 0.01], neighbor [p < 0.05]) increased the odds of correctly identifying the condition showed on the video. The most commonly mentioned clinical manifestations of stroke were weakness (34.7%) and speech disturbance (31.6%). Stroke risk factors that were most named were “unbalanced diet” (42.3%) and hypertension (33.7%). Most participants (66.8%) said they would call the emergency medical services, while 17.8% would go directly to a hospital. Only 17 subjects knew thrombolytic therapy for acute stroke. Conclusion: Female sex and a family history of stroke increased the odds of recognizing the signs of stroke. Knowledge about the clinical manifestations, risk factors, and management of stroke was low in the studied population.
