Revista Técnica de la Facultad de Ingeniería (Jul 2012)
Axial dispersion model performance a reactor of up flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) under laboratory scale
Organic load removal on Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket UASB reactor can be affected their hydraulic variables: due to liquid upflow velocities, height, hydraulic retention time and dispersion number such affect the dispersion coefficient under reactor condition. This investigation evaluated the hydraulic performance for a 4,14 L UASB lab scale using Li+ (LiCl) and Rhodamine WT (RWT) as a tracer in order to compare the hydraulic behavior reactor and the efficiency of treatment, varying retention time and increasing liquid upflow velocities. Glucose was used as substrate for food reactor (500 mg/L) and granular sludge as inoculum (20% v/v) from a local brewery. The hydraulic performance was accessed using two tracers simultaneously with a theoretical retention time (TRT) varying from 5 to 10 hours. Liquid upflow velocities and the coefficient dispersion was large for the lower HRT (D = 1,52 E-2 m2/h > D = 5,62 E-3 m2/h) for a hydraulic efficiency (β) of 1,23 and 1,22 respectively. COD removal was lower for HRT = 5 hours (89,29%) HRT = 10h (93,85%) instead. Tracer recovery mass was 77,03% and 99,34% for the Li+ and 23.90 and 52.66% for RWT for a TRT of 10h and 5h respectively, Li+ was strong recommended. Hydraulic efficiency results was higher than one, maybe due to short circuiting and recirculation pathway, such retention of tracer delay on the sludge blanket.