Revista Cubana de Hematología, Inmunología y Hemoterapia (Aug 2004)
Leucemia linfoide aguda común: Estudio del inmunofenotipo y las características clínicas y morfológicas Common acute lymphocytic leukemia: Study of the immunophenotype and of the clinical and morphological characteristics
Se estudiaron las características biológicas, clínicas, de laboratorio y fenotípicas de 87 niños con leucemia linfoide aguda común (LLA-c) en un período de 17 años. El inmunofenotipaje celular se realizó mediante los métodos inmunocitoquímicos (UMICIQ) y de fosfatasa alcalina anti-fosfatasa alcalina (APAAP). Se observó una mayor incidencia (52,9 %) en el grupo de edad entre 2-5 años. Los niños varones blancos fueron los más afectados. El 98,8 % de los enfermos presentó la variedad L1. En el 79,3 % los leucocitos fueron de 20x109/L. Estos resultados demuestran que la LLA es una enfermedad clínica y fenotípicamente heterogénea, que representa expansiones clonales de linfoblastos en distintos estadios de maduraciónBiological, clinical, lab and phenotypical characteristics of 87 children diagnosed with common lymphoblastic leukemia (c-ALL)in a period of 17 years were studied. Cell immunophenotyping was performed by immunocytochemical methods (UMICIQ) and alkalyne phosphatase/anti-alkalyne phosphatase. Higher incidence was observed in 2-5 years-old group. The most affected were Caucasian boys. 98,8% of patients had L1 variety. Leukocyte rates were under 20 x 109 in 79,3% of cases and no mediatinal adenopathy6 was shown at the onset of disease. 4.6% of patients presented with central nervous system infiltration at onset. Hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly and adenopathies were found in 47,1%, 24,1% and 31% of cases respectively. Antigen CD 10, CD 19 and Tdt were observed in all the patients; CD22 in 98,8%; HLA-DR in 96,5% and CD 20 in 6,9% of the total amount of children. Fourteen cases (16,1%) of c-ALL Mi+ were diagnosed of which 6 (42,8%) had leukocyte values over 20 x 109. These results proved that ALL is a phenotypically heterogeneous clinical disease that represents clonal expansions of lymphoblasts at different maturation stages