European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields (May 2017)

NLO+NLL collider bounds, Dirac fermion and scalar dark matter in the B–L model

  • Michael Klasen,
  • Florian Lyonnet,
  • Farinaldo S. Queiroz

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 77, no. 5
pp. 1 – 17


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Abstract Baryon and lepton numbers being accidental global symmetries of the Standard Model (SM), it is natural to promote them to local symmetries. However, to preserve anomaly-freedom, only combinations of B–L are viable. In this spirit, we investigate possible dark matter realizations in the context of the $$U(1)_\mathrm{B{-}L}$$ U ( 1 ) B - L model: (i) Dirac fermion with unbroken B–L; (ii) Dirac fermion with broken B–L; (iii) scalar dark matter; (iv) two-component dark matter. We compute the relic abundance, direct and indirect detection observables and confront them with recent results from Planck, LUX-2016, and Fermi-LAT and prospects from XENON1T. In addition to the well-known LEP bound $$M_{Z^{\prime }}/g_\mathrm{BL} \gtrsim 7$$ M Z ′ / g BL ≳ 7 TeV, we include often ignored LHC bounds using 13 TeV dilepton (dimuon + dielectron) data at next-to-leading order plus next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy. We show that, for gauge couplings smaller than 0.4, the LHC gives rise to the strongest collider limit. In particular, we find $$M_{Z^{\prime }}/g_\mathrm{BL} > 8.7$$ M Z ′ / g BL > 8.7 TeV for $$g_\mathrm{BL}=0.3$$ g BL = 0.3 . We conclude that the NLO+NLL corrections improve the dilepton bounds on the $$Z^{\prime }$$ Z ′ mass and that both dark matter candidates are only viable in the $$Z^{\prime }$$ Z ′ resonance region, with the parameter space for scalar dark matter being fully probed by XENON1T. Lastly, we show that one can successfully have a minimal two-component dark matter model.