Journal of Curriculum Studies (Sep 2012)

全球教育的重要主題及其課程設計On Key Themes of Global Education and Their

  • 林永豐 Yung-Feng Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 31 – 54


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有鑑於全球化的趨勢與衝擊愈來愈明顯,各國紛紛重視國際或全球教育的改革,尤其希望透過課程與教學的調整,培育具備國際觀、全球行動與競爭力的人才。本研究旨在探討全球教育課程的重要主題,並分析我國在國際教育課程設計上的現況與重點。首先,分析全球教育課程的內涵,繼之彙整英國與澳洲的課程設計實例,並進而探討全球教育課程設計的三類模式及其重要主題,包括第一類是透過五大類主題來彰顯全球教育內涵;第二類是透過全球性議題來建立全球公民素養;第三類則是透過合作專案學習來擴展國際視野。本研究亦分析我國中小學九年一貫課程綱要與中小學國際教育能力指標,整體而言,「文化差異與認同差異」和「生態環境與永續發展」是最受重視的主題;而「衝突解決與世界和平」和「基本人權與社會正義」是較被忽視的主題,值得爾後我國發展國際教育課程時加以重視,適時導正,以培育學生更完整均衡的全球教育視野。In the wake of increasingly evident impacts of globalization, many countries around the world are putting more emphases on developing global or international education then ever before. Through different curriculum or pedagogy reforms, it is hope that students could be equipped with a global view of world or with global competitiveness. This paper aims to investigate key themes of global education and to analyze the global education in the current 1-9 year education. In the first section, main themes or topics of global education are investigated and curricula in both England and Australia are discussed. Furthermore, three key models of curriculum design concerning global education are elaborated. In other words, global education are presented through: first, five key themes; second, diverse global issues; and thirdly, collaborated project between or among different countries. This paper went on to analyze the curriculum guideline for 1-9-year education and the indicators for 1-9 year international education. In general, ‘diversity and identity’ and ‘environment and sustainable development’ are commonly to be included in the current curriculum. On the contrary, ‘conflict and peace’ and ‘human right and social justice’ are less emphasized than others. It is recommended that different themes are all key aspects of global education and, therefore, should all be included into the curriculum for students to build up a more well-balanced global perspective.
