Актуальні питання суспільних наук та історії медицини (Dec 2015)

ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ГУМОРУ ЯК ЛІНГВОКУЛЬТУРНОГО ФЕНОМЕНУ В АНГЛОМОВНОМУ ДИСКУРСІ / The Peculiarities of Humour as a Lingvistic and Cultural Phenomenon in the English Discourse

  • Роман Лілія,
  • Роман Ігор

Journal volume & issue
no. 4(8)
pp. 84 – 90


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Роман Лилия, Роман Игорь. Особенности юмора как лингвокультурного феномена в англомовном дискурсе. В статье исследуется такой лингвокультурный феномен как юмор, который является одним из важных концептов английской национальной картины мира и всегда выражает серьезные, глубинные мысли, затаенные в душе народа. В процессе исследования установлено, что для каждой самостоятельной культуры характерен свой тип юмора, свое восприятие комизма в различных ситуациях, зависящее от многих факторов, которые играют большую роль в формировании самобытной культуры. Это и исторические события, и особенности географического положения страны, влияние соседних стран, а также национальные традиции и нормы поведения и т.п. Все вышеупомянутые факторы имеют прямое отражение в юморе, что обусловило возникновение неповторимого типа юмора, присущего каждой нации в частности. В нашем исследовании на примерах коротких юмористических текстов - анекдотах, рассмотрены особенности английского юмора как лингвального отображения национальной культуры. Ключевые слова: лингвокультурный феномен, юмор, Англоязычный дискурс, языковая картина мира. Roman Liliya, Roman Igor. The Peculiarities of Humour as a Lingvistic and Cultural Phenomenon in the English Discourseю The article explores such lingvokultural phenomenon as humor, which is one of the most important concepts of the English national world-outlook. In this respect humor is considered as one of the effective means of objectivation of the national psychology and mentality, manifestation of deep thoughts concealed in the soul of the people. In the course of investigation it has been shown that each separate culture is characterized by its own type of humor and its own individual perception of the comic in different contexts. An attempt is made to scetch out clasters of many factors, which play a major role in shaping the unique English culture. The important historic events and the geographical position of the country, the influence of the neighboring countries, as well as the national traditions and norms of behavior – all the above mentioned factors have a direct reflection in humor. The article takes into consideration mainly short humorous texts – anecdotes. The peculiarities of correlation of intertextual and contextual meanings, lingual and extralinguistic display of characteristic features of Brittish national culture in English humor are analized from different points of view. Most British humor is disposed in the subtext and addresses the listener's ability to understand the hidden subtext or allusion. Since English speakers rarely directly say what they think, they developed various forms of humor based on inconsistencies of meaning and of the way of its expression. Within Brittish culture mockery and irony are always present, even in their serious speaches, arguments and discussions, as soon as the ability to notice the inappropriatenesses and well-designed omissions is part of their mind. This piculiarity should not be considered as indication of cynicism but of the rich life experience and ability to accept an ironical treatment not only of others’ but also of their own affairs, the ability to laugh at themselves. At the same time, while it would be natural to expect the same self-irony from others, in normal conversation britishers avoid the truths that could lead to confrontation. The authors made an attempt to indicate the prospects of possible investigations in modern English linguistics: for even on the stage of collection of old and new, living, ever-changing and renewing repertoire of anecdotes and jokes our knowledge can not be considered as complete. Key words: language phenomenon, humour, English discourse.
