Слобожанський науково-спортивний вісник (Oct 2016)
Influence of the level of development of absolute force on indicators of technical preparedness of shot putters at the stage of specialized basic preparation
The results of the researches of influence of indicators of absolute force on parameters of technical preparedness of the qualified shot putters are presented. Purpose: to investigate influence of the level of development of absolute force on indicators of technical preparedness of the qualified shot putters. Material & Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical testing, video filming with the subsequent biomechanical analysis, methods of mathematical statistics. 12 qualified shot putters participated in the research. Results: the high correlation interrelation between the level of development of absolute force and separate indicators of technical preparedness of shot putters is revealed. Conclusions: technical preparedness of shot putters farthest depends on the level of development of absolute muscular strength of legs, chest and hands, in particular, triceps.